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Statista is the global number one data platform with more than 3 million statistics on over 80,000 topics across 170 industries, including a plethora of data across academic departments like nursing, social sciences, and business, among 177 other disciplines.   Statista grants access to academic publication rights and citation features.

The statistics platform has become an integral part of the academic sector serving as a multidisciplinary data finding aid that helps students, lecturers, and researchers discover relevant and reliable statistical data and analysis on over 80,000 topics from over 22,000 sources. The content is not only trusted among academic institutions but also to thousands of corporate and government establishments.  Simple keyword searches and full citations provide research time savings for your patrons. Whether it is valid data for term papers & theses, for daily tasks in research and teaching, or as a research tool in libraries, Statista always provides the most relevant content.

Attend for a brief overview , around 20 minutes plus a 10 minute Q&A with Megan Drake of Statista. 


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