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Digital Theatre+ is a digital resource that provides universities and colleges with access to a vast library of high-quality theatre productions, documentaries, interviews, and educational materials. Our comprehensive platform is tailored to meet the diverse needs of academic disciplines. In addition to being an innovative resource for enhancing Theatre and Performance courses, Digital Theatre+ is also utilized across English, Dance, Music, and History departments, supporting the study of humanities throughout the institution.
Key Features:
  • Extensive Collection: Immerse your students and faculty in a vast array of theatre-related content, including productions, documentaries, lectures, interviews, and peer-reviewed written materials.
  • Versatility: Align with your library’s priority to serve diverse academic disciplines while optimizing budget allocations, as Digital Theatre+ offers a valuable resource for a range of subjects.
  • Exclusive Partnerships: We collaborate with over 50 leading theatre companies worldwide and serve as the exclusive educational partner for BroadwayHD.
  • Online Accessibility: Seamlessly integrate into evolving virtual learning environments, allowing students and faculty to engage with content at their convenience.
  • Exploration and Creativity: Our platform encourages exploration, analysis, and creativity, contributing to the overarching goal of higher education libraries to provide a holistic and enriching learning experience.
Empower your institution with Digital Theatre+, where curated content meets a dynamic platform, fostering a rich learning experience for students and supporting faculty in their teaching and research endeavours. Elevate your library’s role in providing top-notch educational resources today! Learn more about Digital Theatre+ here: https://www.digitaltheatreplus.com/teaching-with-dt/higher-education-librarian
Wednesday, February 7, at 10 am. Registration link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkc-ugqTosH9XstILzvXmekDFjGkrGQrqG

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